I'd like to apologise for a post I made
the other day on Facebook. I shared a meme suggesting that anyone who votes UKIP
is an ignorant, half-witted racist, and this is unfair. It is also
completely at odds with the ethics I try to live by; ideas can be
attacked, and should be if they are bad ideas, but people should be
treated with respect. Assuming that a group of people are a
homogenous, undifferentiated mass definable by their worst attribute
is the very definition of 'prejudice', and is rather ironic in this
I am sure people have a whole host of
reasons why they might choose to vote for a political party, and they
probably think that these are good reasons. So, no, not all UKIP
voters, or potential UKIP voters, are bigots, but they are voting for
a party that is based on bigotry and if they do not accept this they
are either ignorant of the facts or in denial of them. Not only are
the mass of UKIP's policies based on erroneous “us and them”,
little Englander stereotypes that bear no relation to reality (“Not
everything is the fault of immigrants”, as it was so succinctly put
to Nigel Farage in the recent BBC debate), they use the worst sort of
dog-whistle – an indeed quite up-front – xenophobia in their
presentation. And it is not just the racism; there is a strain of
homophobia that is simply breathtaking. It is not just 'a few bad
apples', either, the whole structure of the party is built on this
way of thinking; it is why these people joined up.
What I really find staggering is the
support that UKIP have managed to garner amongst parts of the working
class; a least the BNP made token gestures - albeit badly thought
out, expressed and spelled – to some working-class-friendly,
Socialist-sounding polices. UKIP are economically so far to the
libertarian right Keith Joseph would be saying “hang on, I think
that might be a bit much”.
I think it is a symptom of prevailing
attitudes fostered by a right-leaning, intolerant, hate-peddling
media which encourages people focus their anger at immigrants, or
'benefit scroungers', or whatever, rather than at the real problems.
So, no, I don't think that all
potential UKIP voters are racist, homophobic, small-minded, welfare
state-destroying bigots. They are simply people who are considering
voting for a racist, homophobic, small-minded, welfare
state-destroying group of bigots. It is a fine but important